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Student Resources

The Oakwood University Online Student Handbook provides a wealth of information related to online learning at Oakwood University. This includes the purpose and mission for online programs, roles and responsibilities, how to prepare to learn online, technology requirements, online policies and procedures, student responsibilities, information on spiritual life and much more. The Oakwood University Online Student Handbook is intended only as a guide to online students and should not replace the policies and guidelines of the Oakwood University Student Handbook.

View and download the Oakwood University Online Student Handbook

The Oakwood University
Eva B. Dykes Library

The Oakwood University Eva B. Dykes Library provides online access to information and materials that support teaching, learning, research and many other aspects of the academic programs of the school. An abundance of library resources are accessible to online students 24/7.

Oakwood University’s
Online Bookstore

Oakwood University’s Online Bookstore is the primary source of all course materials. Many of your course materials will be eBooks that can be accessed directly through links to the Oakwood University Bookstore from your D2L course room.

Other Helpful Online Resources